
'A perfect narrative of the whole proceedings of the High court of iustice in the tryal in Westminster Hall, on Saturday the 20, and Monday the 22 of this instant January ...-[27] of ... January', London, printed for John Playford, and are to be sold at his shop in the Inner temple, 1649, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 134/21)

Type: Item


has former or current owner William Hamper>
carries Bookplate of William Hamper>
was augmented by William Hamper(?) pasting a copy of Charles I's death warrant into 'A perfect narrative of the whole proceedings of the High court of iustice in the tryal of the King in Westminster Hall, on Saturday the 20, and Monday the 22 of this instant January ...-[27] of ... January : With the several speeches of the King, lord president, and solicitor general. Published by authority to prevent false and impertinent relations.', 1649>
is composed of Facsimile of the death warrant for Charles I>
carries Bookplate of Don L. Nicholas>
has former or current owner Don. L. Nicholas>
in stories

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