
Bookplate of Douglas Cleverdon

Bookplate of Douglas Cleverdon from 'The history of tvvo the most noble capytaynes of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio, of their dyuers battayles and victoryes, excedynge profitable to reade, gathered and translated into English oute of Titus Liuius, and other authoures, / by Antonye Cope Esquier.' 1561, omprinted at London : In Fletestrete nere to Sainct Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 114/1)

Type: Image


has type Marginalia>
has type Bookplate>
is carried by Livy and others, 'The history of tvvo the most noble capytaynes of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio, of their dyuers battayles and victoryes', translated by by Antonye Cope, London, in Fletestrete nere to Sainct Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe, 1561, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 114/1)>
refers to Doulgas Cleverdon>
in stories