
Boy (dog)

Woodcut of Boy as a lion from T.B., 'Observations vpon Prince Rupert's vvhite dog, called Boy...', London, 1643, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 515/27)

Type: Biological Object


is referred to by Text for ' The Parliaments vnspotted-bitch: in answer to Prince Roberts dog called Boy, and his malignant she-monkey.'>
is depicted by Marchamont Nedham, 'Ruperts sumpter, and private cabinet rifled, and a discovery of a pack of his jewels...', London, printed by J. Coe, 1644, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 513/89)>
is subject of Text for ''A dialogue, or, Rather a parley betweene Prince Ruperts dogge whose name is Puddle, and Tobies dog whose name is Pepper, &c. VVhereunto is added the challeng which Prince Griffins dogg called Towzer, hath sent to Prince Ruperts dogg Puddle, in the behalfe of honest Peppe Tobies dog. Moreover the said Prince Griffin is newly gone to Oxford to lay the wager, and to make up the match.'>
was taken out of existence by The death of Prince Rupert's dog, Boy>
was present at Battle of Marston Moor>
is subject of Text for 'Observations vpon Prince Rupert's vvhite dog, called Boy: carefully taken by T.B. for that purpose imployed by some of quality in the city of London'>
has representation Woodcut of Boy as a lion from 'Observations vpon Prince Rupert's vvhite dog, called Boy: carefully taken by T.B. for that purpose imployed by some of quality in the city of London.' 1643>
has representation Woodcut of Prince Rupert with his dog, Boy>
has representation Woodcut depicting a war of works between the Royalists and Parliamentarians and their respective canine mascots – Boy and Pepper>
has representation Woodcut depicting Prince Rupert lying in a beanfield outside York, after the Battle of Marston Moor, with the Roundheads rifling through his pack, showing a crucifix and other Catholic items. Also shows the death of Prince Rupert's dog, Boy.>
in stories

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