
Drawing of dogs

'Here endeth the book of the lyf of Our Lady / made by dan Iohn Lydgate monke of Bury, at thynstaunce of the moste Crysten kynge, kyng Harry the Fyfth.' c. 1450–1500, by John Lydgate, enprynted by Wyllyam Caxton : Westminster, University of Glasgow Library (GB 247 MS Hunter 232 (U.3.5))

Type: Inscription


has type Marginalia>
has type Marginalia: sketch/doodle/drawing of dog >
is carried by 'Here endeth the book of the lyf of Our Lady / made by dan Iohn Lydgate monke of Bury, at thynstaunce of the moste Crysten kynge, kyng Harry the Fyfth.' c. 1450–1500, by John Lydgate, enprynted by Wyllyam Caxton : Westminster, University of Glasgow Library (GB 247 MS Hunter 232 (U.3.5))>
has type Marginalia: sketch/doodle/drawing>
in stories