

Type: Type


is exemplified by Joseph Hall, 'Meditations and vovves, diuine and morall...', London, printed by Tho[mas] Purfoot for Arthur Johnson, Samuell Macham, and Lawrence Lyle, 1609, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 425/18)>
is exemplified by Velvet binding with floral designs in silver and coloured thread and sequins>
is exemplified by Esther Inglis (binder and calligrapher), 'Argumenta psalmorum Davidis per tetrasticha...', c. 1608, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington (V.a.94)>
is exemplified by 'The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the Nevv...', London, printed by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1637, State Library Victoria (RAREEMM 2019/11)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding with raised silver wire-work oval cartouche, with a lion mask at the top and bottom>
is exemplified by William Camden, 'Britain...', London, printed at Eliot's Court Press by George Bishop & John Norton, 1610, British Library, London (Davis 182)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (front)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (back)>
is exemplified by 'The Whole Booke of Davids Psalmes, Both in Prose and Meeter. With apt notes to sing them withall.' 1635, printed by T. C. for the Company of Stationers : London, British Library, London (c27a33)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (front)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (back)>
is exemplified by 'The New Testament, The Book of Common Prayer' c. 1636, printed by Richard Whittaker : London, the Book of Common Prayer printed by Robert Barker : London, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (64.101.1294)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (front)>
is exemplified by Embroidered binding (back)>
in stories

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