
Esther Inglis (1571-1624)

Anonymous artist, 'Esther Inglis', 1595, National Galleries Scotland, Edinburgh (PG 3556)

Type: Person


performed Esther Inglis creating the embroidered binding for 'Argumenta psalmorum Davidis per tetrasticha manu Estherae Inglis exarata strenae nomine illus : principi Henrico oblata' c. 1608, binding and calligraphy by Esther Inglis, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington (V.a.94)>
performed Esther Inglis(?) creating the embroidered binding for 'Meditations and vovves, diuine and morall. : Seruing for direction in Christian and ciuill practise. Diuided into two bookes. Newly enlarged with X. vowes and meditations.' 1609, by Joseph Hall, printed by Tho: Purfoot for Arthur Johnson, Samuell Macham, and Lawrence Lyle : London, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 425/18)>
in stories

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