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Making Books
Using Books
It's not Easy Being Queen
Killing the King
The Prince and his Poodle
Times of Crisis
Making Books
Using Books
It's not Easy Being Queen
Killing the King
The Prince and his Poodle
Times of Crisis
John Evelyn (1620–1706)
Godfrey Kneller, 'John Evelyn', 1689
Type: Person
is former or current owner of
Thomas Randolph, 'Poems, with the Muses looking-glasse, and Amyntas..' London, 1643, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 323/16)
is referred to by
Monogram of John Evelyn
is referred to by
Bookplate of John Evelyn
is subject of
Emmerson, J. McL. 2003. “Dan Fleming and John Evelyn: Two Seventeenth Century Book Collectors [Paper in: The Making and Keeping of Books: Art, Genius and Madness. Papers from the Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, Held in the Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide, 27-28 September 2001].” Bulletin - Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand 27 (1–2): 48–61.
John Evelyn gifting Samuel Pepys a copy of 'Instructions concerning Erecting of a Library'
is referred to by
Entry in the diary of Samuel Pepys for 5 October 1665: ‘… all my way reading a book of Mr. Evelyn’s translating and sending me as a present, about directions for gathering a Library; but the book is above my reach’
is referred to by
Annotation in the hand of John Evelyn 'be pleased to accept this trifle from your most humble servant J.E'
is current or former member of
Evelyn Family
participated in
Prince Rupert and John Evelyn conducting experiments 'in Mr. Boyle's VACUUM', 7th May, 1662
is former or current owner of
Thomas Heywood, 'Englands Elizabeth: her life and troubles during her minoritie from the cradle to the crowne...' London, printed by Iohn Beale for Philip Waterhouse and are to be sold at his Shop at St. Paul's Head, near London-Stone, 1631, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 114/10)
is former or current owner of
'Historical memoires of the life and death of that wise and valiant prince, Rupert, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland...', London, printed for Tho[mas] Malthus, at the sign of the Sun in the Poultry, 1683, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 116/18)
John Evelyn deciding to include Prince Rupert’s mezzotint ‘Little Executioner’ in his book 'Sculptura, or, The History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving in Copper' 1662
participated in
Prince Rupert first showing John Evelyn 'how to grave in mezzo tinto', 21 February 1661
is former or current owner of
'Monumentum regale: or A tombe, erected for that incomparable and glorious monarch, Charles the First, King of Great Britane, France and Ireland, &c. In select elegies, epitaphs, and poems.' 1649, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 115/17)
was present at
Execution of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford
is former or current owner of
'A collection of His Majestie's gracious letters, speeches, messages, and declarations since April 4./14. 1660.', London, printed by John Bill, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, at the King's Printing-House in Black-Friers, 1660, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 135/14)
is former or current owner of
Lucan, 'De bello ciuili libri decem...', Paris, Robert Estienne, 1545, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 113/1)
in stories