
Marginalia: signature

Type: Type


is exemplified by Signature: Susan Steger, 1782>
is exemplified by Signature: P de Cardonnel>
is exemplified by Signature/annotation: 'The gift of the ever honer'd Sir Roger Mostyn Kt. and Barrt., to me Margaret Heaton'>
is exemplified by Signature: Margaret Heaton>
is exemplified by Signature: Elizabeth Court>
is exemplified by More than sixty annotations relating to a Dorothy Helbarton. Examples include: ‘Be yt knowen to All men thys ys Dorethes boke’; ‘and thys ys Dore thy Helbartun boke’.>
is exemplified by Signature: Dorothy Amherst her booke, 1664>
is exemplified by Signature: Jeff Amherst>
is exemplified by Signature: William Saxpes>
is exemplified by Signature: Henry Oxenden Junr. March 27th 1792>
in stories

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