
Matthew Simmons

Type: Person


is referred to by Text for "PARKER, WILLIAM R. “Above All Liberties: JOHN MILTON’S RELATIONS WITH HIS EARLIEST PUBLISHERS.” The Princeton University Library Chronicle 2, no. 2 (1941): 41–50.">
performed Matthew Simmons printing copies of "The tenure of kings and magistrates : proving, that it is lawfull, and hath been held so through all ages, for any, who have the power, to call to account a tyrant, or wicked king, and after due conviction, to depose, and put him to death; if the ordinary magistrate have neglected, or deny'd to doe it. And that they, who of late so much blame deposing, are the men that did it themselves. Published now the second time with some additions, and many testimonies also added out of the best & learnedst among Protestant divines asserting the position of this book / the author, J.M.">
is subject of Text for "McKenzie, D. F. “Milton’s Printers: Matthew, Mary and Samuel Simmons.” Milton Quarterly 14, no. 3 (1980): 87–91.">
is subject of The text for "WILLIAM R. PARKER, MILTON, ROTHWELL, AND SIMMONS, The Library, Volume s4-XVIII, Issue 1, June 1937, Pages 89–103">
is subject of Text for "University, Carnegie Mellon. $dateFormat. “John Milton’s Freedom of the Press Pamphlet Printers Found - News - Carnegie Mellon University.” $dateFormat.">
in stories

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