
William Henry Miller (1789–1848)

'The House of Commons' 1833, by Sir George Hayter, National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG 54)

Type: Person


is former or current owner of 'Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips the matchless Orinda. To which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, tragedies. With several other translations out of French.'>
is current or former curator of Britwell Court Library Collection>
is former or current owner of 'The supplycacyon of soulys made by syr Thomas More knyght councellour to our souerayn lorde the Kynge and chauncellour of hys duchy of Lancaster. Agaynst the supplycacyon of beggars.' 1529, printed by William Rastell : London, Folger Shakespeare, Washington (STC 18092)>
is former or current owner of 'The teares or lamentacions of a sorrovvfull soule : Composed with musicall ayres and songs, both for voyces and diuers instruments. Set foorth by VVilliam Leighton Knight, one of his Maiesties honourable band of gentlemen pensioners. And all Psalmes that consist of so many feete as the fiftieth Psalme, will goe to the foure partes for comfort.' 1614, by William Leighton, printed by William Stansby : London, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington (STC 15434)>
is former or current owner of 'L'assedio e la presa di Caffa.' 1475, published by Albrecht Kunne : Trent, The Morgan Library and Museum, New York (PML 42128)>
is former or current owner of 'King Iames His Hospitall: Founded in the Charter-house, at the onely costs and charges, of Thomas Sutton, Esquire' 1618.>
is former or current owner of 'The Parliament of ladies. Or Divers remarkable passages of ladies in Spring-Garden; in Parliament assembled. : Together with certaine votes of the unlawfull assembly at Kates in Coven Garden. Vespre Veneris Martis: 26. 1647. Ordered by the ladies in Parliament assembled, that their orders and votes be forthwith printed and published, to prevent such misreports and scandals, which either malice, or want of wit, hightned with snoffes of ale or stayned claret may cause, in the dishonour of the said votes and proceedings in Parliament. Ja: Kingsmill Clar. Parliamen.' 1647, by Henry Neville, Lodon, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 134/2)>
is referred to by Monogram: 'WHM'>
in stories

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