
William Laud

Anthony van Dyck, (after), 'William Laud', based on a work of 1636, National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG 171)

Type: Person


is former or current owner of 'The New Testament, The Book of Common Prayer' c. 1636, printed by Richard Whittaker : London, the Book of Common Prayer printed by Robert Barker : London, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (64.101.1294)>
is referred to by 'This Book formerly belonged to Archbishop Laud'>
has representation 'England's black tribunal: or, The Royal martyrs. Being the characters of King Charles the First, and the nobility that suffered for him', 1658[?], State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 837/1)>
participated in Execution of William Laud>
in stories

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