
Fold out engraving depicting King Charles I before his execution and the execution of 'the Kings Judges'

Engraving from 'The loyall martyrology; or Brief catalogues and characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their conscience during the late times of rebellion, either by death, imprisonment, banishment, or sequestration; together with those who were slain in the Kings service. As also, dregs of treachery: with the catalogue and characters of those regicides who sat as judges on our late dread soveraign of ever blessed memory; with others of that gang, most eminent for villany. By William Winstanley.' 1665, printed by Thomas Mabb, for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain : London, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 2020/2)

Type: Image


is carried by 'King Charls his speech made upon the scaffold at Whitehall-Gate, immediately before his execution, on Tuesday the 30 of Ian. 1648..', London, printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal-Exchange, 1649, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 134/26)>
is carried by 'The loyall martyrology; or Brief catalogues and characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their conscience during the late times of rebellion, either by death, imprisonment, banishment, or sequestration; together with those who were slain in the Kings service. As also, dregs of treachery: with the catalogue and characters of those regicides who sat as judges on our late dread soveraign of ever blessed memory; with others of that gang, most eminent for villany. By William Winstanley.' 1665, printed by Thomas Mabb, for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain : London, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 2020/2)>
represents Execution of Charles I, 30 January 1649>
represents The unidentified executioner of Charles I>
in stories