
Execution of Charles I, 30 January 1649

'The execution of King Charles I' c. 1649, after Unknown artist, National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG D1306)

Type: Activity


has representation Fold out engraving depicting King Charles I before his execution and the execution of 'the Kings Judges'>
was influenced by Oliver Cromwell>
is referred to by Elegy by unknown author>
occurred in the presence of Waistcoat (said to have been worn by Charles I at his execution) 1640–49>
is referred to by John Evelyn's diary>
is subject of Text for 'King Charls his speech made upon the scaffold at Whitehall-Gate, immediately before his execution, on Tuesday the 30 of Ian. 1648. VVith a relation of the maner of his going to execution. Published by special authority.' 1649, printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal-Exchange : London>
is referred to by Text for William Winstanley, 'The loyall martyrology; or Brief catalogues and characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their conscience during the late times of rebellion, either by death, imprisonment, banishment, or sequestration; together with those who were slain in the Kings service...', London , printed by Thomas Mabb, for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain, 1665>
in stories