is carried by |
'The loyall martyrology; or Brief catalogues and characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their conscience during the late times of rebellion, either by death, imprisonment, banishment, or sequestration; together with those who were slain in the Kings service. As also, dregs of treachery: with the catalogue and characters of those regicides who sat as judges on our late dread soveraign of ever blessed memory; with others of that gang, most eminent for villany. By William Winstanley.' 1665, printed by Thomas Mabb, for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain : London, State Library Victoria, Melbourne (RAREEMM 2020/2)>
refers to |
Execution of Charles I, 30 January 1649>
refers to |
Charles I of England (1600–1649)>
has fragment |
'Charles the I. of Blessed Memory, the most Glorious Martyr of this late Age, the exact pattern of Piety, Patience and Prudence, who in the manner of his Sufferings, came the nearest to our Saviour of any we have read or heard of …'>
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