

Type: Type


has type Monogram>
is exemplified by Poem: Heart: take thine ease: / Men hard to please / Thou happily maiste offend: / Tough some speake ill / Of thee: / Some will: , / Say better : Theres an end.>
is exemplified by Poem: 'St. George to save a mayd, a dragon slew / A brave exployte it was, if it be trew / Some saye there are no dragons, and 'tis sayd / There's no St. George, pray god there be a mayd.'>
has type Marginalia: sketch/doodle/drawing of dog >
is exemplified by Monogram stamp 'ENSP'>
is exemplified by Monogram: 'WHM'>
has type Marginalia: paw print/animal foot print>
is exemplified by Bookplate of John Evelyn>
is exemplified by Annotated table of contents>
is exemplified by Underlining, flower and star markers, brackets>
is exemplified by Flower marker and manicules>
is exemplified by 'Liber Jo: Wigorn; ex dono: D. Guilielmi Levet, Wigorniensis Attornati Feb: 21st 1649'>
is exemplified by Signature: Susan Steger, 1782>
has type Marginalia: flower marker>
is exemplified by Bookplate of William Hamper>
has type Marginalia: sketch/doodle/drawing>
has type Marginalia: signature>
has type Bookplate>
is exemplified by Signature: P de Cardonnel>
is exemplified by Signature/annotation: 'The gift of the ever honer'd Sir Roger Mostyn Kt. and Barrt., to me Margaret Heaton'>
is exemplified by Signature: Margaret Heaton>
is exemplified by Signature: Elizabeth Court>
is exemplified by Annotation of the Lord's Prayer (the Pater Noster) in a circle>
has type Marginalia: micrographia>
is exemplified by Drawing of dog>
is exemplified by Doodle/drawing of monster >
is type of Cat(?) paw prints in ink>
is exemplified by Cat(?) paw prints>
is exemplified by Cat(?) paw prints>
is exemplified by Annotations in the hand of John Milton>
is exemplified by Manicule in the hand of Henry VIII>
is exemplified by Manicule in the hand of Henry VIII>
is exemplified by More than sixty annotations relating to a Dorothy Helbarton. Examples include: ‘Be yt knowen to All men thys ys Dorethes boke’; ‘and thys ys Dore thy Helbartun boke’.>
is exemplified by Annotated manuscript index>
is exemplified by Extensive notes and annotations on pp. 364–5>
is exemplified by Annotated table of contents next to and on title page>
is exemplified by Notes and flower marker>
has type Marginalia: manicule >
is exemplified by Underlining, note and star marker>
has type Marginalia: star marker>
is exemplified by Printed marginalia >
has type Marginalia: printed >
is exemplified by Stain>
has type Marginalia: annotated poem>
is exemplified by Facsimile of the death warrant for Charles I>
has type Marginalia: part addition>
is exemplified by Signature: Dorothy Amherst her booke, 1664>
is exemplified by Hand-coloured engraving of Charles I the night before his execution, 1649>
is exemplified by Signature: Jeff Amherst>
is exemplified by Signature: William Saxpes>
is exemplified by Signature: Henry Oxenden Junr. March 27th 1792>
is exemplified by Bookplate of Don L. Nicholas>
in stories

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