
Plague of 1625

Title page from 'A Rod for Run-awayes. Gods tokens, of his feareful iudgements, sundry wayes pronounced vpon this city, and on seuerall persons, both flying from it, and staying in it. Expressed in many dreadfull examples of sudden death, falne vpon both young and old, etc/' 1625, by Thomas Dekker, printed by Iohn Trundle : London, British Library, London (Ashley 617)

Type: Event


is referred to by Text for 'Britain's remembrancer containing a narration of the plague lately past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; and a prediction of iudgments to come; (if repentance prevent not.) It is dedicated (for the glory of God) to posteritie; and, to these times (if they please) by Geo: Wither.' 1628>
occurred in the presence of George Wither (1588–1667)>
influenced The creation, by George Wither, of the text for 'Britain's remembrancer containing a narration of the plague lately past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; and a prediction of iudgments to come; (if repentance prevent not.) It is dedicated (for the glory of God) to posteritie; and, to these times (if they please) by Geo: Wither.'>
in stories