
The creation, by George Wither, of the text for 'Britain's remembrancer containing a narration of the plague lately past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; and a prediction of iudgments to come; (if repentance prevent not.) It is dedicated (for the glory of God) to posteritie; and, to these times (if they please) by Geo: Wither.'

Type: Expression Creation


was influenced by Plague of 1625>
created Text for 'Britain's remembrancer containing a narration of the plague lately past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; and a prediction of iudgments to come; (if repentance prevent not.) It is dedicated (for the glory of God) to posteritie; and, to these times (if they please) by Geo: Wither.' 1628>
carried out by George Wither (1588–1667)>
in stories